Prodotti vari
Gallery of various products
101 - Owl clock 25 |
102 - Puss in boots clock 30 |
103 - Hot mat with pyrography of “Hello Spank” 15 |
104 - Hot mat with pyrography 12 |
105 - Wooden choir 18 |
106 - Kitten 5 |
107 - Hen 6 |
108 - Hot mat with pyrography 13 |
109 - Carved napkins holder with pyrography 15 |
110 - Hot mat with pyrography 20 |
111- 5 kittens on perch 20 |
112- Corks of the forest: / corks with pine cone:5
carved corks:7 |
113 - Corks with pine cone 5 |
114 - 2 kittens on perch 12 |
115 - Magic wand 20 |
116 - Handpainted keychains 7 |
117- Ladybugs on stone to be carved 4
Ladybugs with little box 8 |
118 - Ladybugs on stone to be carved 4 |
119 - Ladybugs on stone to be carved 4 |
120 - Glasses-holder little trunk 15 |
121 - Painting made entirely with pyrography and frame in cortex 40 |
122 - Pyrography of deer 38 |
123 - Hot mat with pyrography 9 |
124 - Snails 5 |
125 - Personalized penholder 20 |
126 - Plate for Mum 15 |
127 - Plate for Mum 15 |
128 - Corks with pine cone 5 |
129 - Married ladybugs 8 |
130 - Knocks on the door woodpecker 20 |
131 - Designed dolomia (last one left) 15 |
132 - Designed dolomia (last one left) 15 |
133 - Garfield clock 35 |
134 - Roll holder with pine cone 12 |